Lisa-Marie Woods: Back in season with a W

Last time when I wrote a blog like this, we were in sunny Turkey. Needless to say that the results were a little disappointing with a 1-1 draw against Sky Blue FC that ended up with a loss on penalties. Yes, we had two people who missed in that game, and guess who was one of them? Yes MOI!! Disappointing as anything. A PK should be easy peasy, so I went up, saw the keeper going the wrong way, and went to kick it hard up in the opposite corner. Easy enough, right? Wrong… the ball hit the crossbar and came back down, but never crossed the goal line. At the time I could do nothing but laugh at myself as it was just sooooo typical. Arrrrgh But hey, chin up. I will take the PK if we make it to any final this year, and I WILL score!

The second game was not better. Due to illness, I could not participate, nor did I see the game, so I cannot really say much about it. It was however a team we should have beaten and probably would have nine out of 10 times, but this was the one time we didn’t. Even our results were not up to our standards, I must say that it was a fun tournament and trip all in all. Not much gossip came out of that trip, but I do want to mention that Danish people are as bad as Norwegian people when it comes to tanning in the sun. We all seem to forget that we haven’t seen the sun for around four months and that going straight into the sun and sitting for hours will lead to redness and being sunburned. I need not mention names, but some had the color pink instead of brown after the trip. And it is only a myth that all reds turn into brown.  Nah…it went from red to gone. I mean, not that funny to read about, but it was actually quite funny to see. I also managed to convince one of the younger “Blondies” ( still not mentioning names ) that I have a wig on. Kind a cool what the youngsters believe. Easy prey!

Anyways, when we came home, it was time to prepare for the start of the season. First game for Fortuna. Turned out to be an easy game against one of the bottom teams. I never take anything for granted in this game, so even though I knew they were a poorer team than us, we owe it to ourselves to always give 100 percent. We opened quite slow, but took more and more over, and in the end it was one team on the pitch. We won 5-0 in the end, and it could have been more. Good season opener, and personally I am happy with debut and a goal. Yes on the head! (I remind you that I am 5-foot, 1-inch, buuuut didn’t have to jump for that one :p ). Good start for us, and we are working hard so that it continues this way. Harder games are coming up.


Lisa Marie-Woods was the 2010Toppserien Player of the Year when she scored 13 goals to lead Stabæk to the Toppserien title. She currently plays midfield for Fortuna Hjørring of the Danish Elitedivisionen. She’s also a member of the Norwegian Women’s National Team.