by Olaf Goldbecker Turbine Potsdam The champion of the past four seasons has to undergo another major change. The financially...
by Olaf Goldbecker T-shirt weather in Germany was one week ago. Within seven days the late summer weather turned into...
by Olaf Goldbecker Four makeup games were played in Bundesliga and all of the top four teams were featured. The...
By Olaf Goldbecker – Only four of the six matches were played due to the Champions League semifinals. Frankfurt will...
by Olaf Goldbecker Four makeup games were scheduled in the Bundesliga to even the standings after twenty matches – a...
by Olaf Goldbecker The numbers for this weekend were 3 out of 6, which means that winter still has a...
by Olaf Goldbecker The team of the season in Germany is VfL Wolfsburg. While they were advancing to the Champions...
Due to Champions League play, the Bundesliga got uneven in the standings again. Potsdam and Wolfsburg were competing in international...
by Olaf Goldbecker Most games in the round of the last 16 were not very surprising. High scores were seen...
by Olaf Goldbecker Like last week, only two games were played due to the U20 World Cup. Nonetheless, these two...
by Olaf Goldbecker Only seven of the twelve Bundesliga clubs survived the second round of this year’s cup competition. Three...
by Olaf Goldbecker Two important makeup games were played in the Bundesliga this Wednesday. First, Turbine Potsdam only managed a...